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How To Write ChatGPT Prompts: A Complete Guide For 2023

How to write ChatGPT prompts that work

In this post, I’ll unveil the secrets to how you can write award-winning prompts that will supercharge your ChatGPT usage and leave your competition in the dust.

Here’s the deal, the rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies is transforming industries worldwide. And according to a recent report by McKinsey Global Institute, the use of AI in business shows a nearly 25% year-over-year increase.

Can you believe that? It’s insane how AI have taken the market by storm!

Furthermore, the AI market is predicted to reach a staggering $1,811.8 billion by 2030, as stated by Grand View Research, so this is a booming market.

With the increasing importance of AI in business, you need to start harnessing the potential of AI-powered tools like ChatGPT.

Now picture this: you’re glued to your desk burning the midnight oil, attempting to concoct the ultimate business email prompt for the past couple of hours, yet with no real success.

All you want is for ChatGPT to create an amazing email, but despite your efforts, the outcome remains disappointingly average.

Sounds familiar? Don’t worry, you’re not alone, many struggle to create creative and compelling prompts that make the most of an AI writing assistant.

However, there is a solution to this, a way for you to learn how to write killer prompts that can turn ChatGPT into a business powerhouse.

And today, I’ll show you how to write top-notch ChatGPT prompts (no more garbage one-liners) and also debunk some common misconceptions.

This way, you can learn how to harness the power of ChatGPT to propel your business into the future.

So, grab a cup of coffee (make it a double, you’ve earned it), and let’s dive right in…

What is ChatGPT?

Ah, ChatGPT! The groundbreaking, jaw-dropping, and awe-inspiring technological marvel that has taken the world of artificial intelligence by storm.

But what is it…?

Picture this: it’s Friday night, you’re feeling lonely, and your friends are all busy with their so-called “lives”. What’s a person to do? Fear not, ChatGPT is here to save the day (or at least your evening)!

ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art AI language model that can converse with you on a myriad of topics.

No, this is not your grandma’s chatbot; it’s like Shakespeare and Einstein had a digital baby, and that baby grew up to be a delightful conversationalist.

And how does it work?

ChatGPT stands for Chatbot Generative Pre-trained Transformer.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “That sounds like something Elon Musk would name his next child!” But jokes aside, the “GPT” part refers to a type of machine-learning model that can generate human-like text.

This model is pre-trained on heaps of data sourced from the internet (think billions of parameters), and it learns to predict the most likely next word in a sentence.

Then, it weaves those words together into a piece of text that will leave you wondering if you’re chatting with an AI or your long-lost pen pal from 8th-grade English class.

So, what can one do with this delightful digital companion?

The possibilities are endless!

Whether you need help composing an email to your boss that expertly tiptoes around the fact that you accidentally deleted the entire company’s database or just want to discuss the latest trends in cat fashion, ChatGPT is there for you.

It’s like having the world’s most knowledgeable and charming friend at your fingertips, ready to chat anytime, anywhere.

But it isn’t perfect, in fact, there are some inherent problems you need to be aware of…

The problem with ChatGPT and how to solve it

Like I said, ChatGPT isn’t without its flaws, and the main problems are:

  • Due to its massive popularity, at high demand it’s either down completely or at maximum capacity, meaning that you can’t access it. And there are only two solutions, you either wait for a low-demand time or get ChatGPT Plus which gives you premium access.
  • In the free version, you only have access to the GPT-3.5 language model, if you want access to GPT-4 you need a Plus membership.
  • ChatGPT is a text-based chatbot, therefore it can’t generate AI images and art.
  • And probably the biggest problem with ChatGPT is that it’s only trained on data up to 2022, which can be a big problem if you’re looking to generate content on trending topics.

The solution to this is to use ChatSonic, an improved version of ChatGPT (check out the comparison here).

  • ChatSonic is integrated with Google Search and pulls data from it to stay up to date. This enables it to provide you with up-to-date and relevant content, making it an almost invaluable asset for any content-based business.
  • It can help you generate images since it’s integrated with Stable Diffusion and Dall-E. Perfect if you need an image or two for your marketing campaign.
  • You can use voice commands just like you do with Siri.
  • It has a Chrome extension so you can use it outside the platform.
  • You get access to a library of pre-made prompts and also a place to store your own custom prompts.
  • And more…

If you want to know more about ChatSonic, I have another post diving deeper into that here.

Honestly, thanks to all the added benefits you get from ChatSonic (and it being part of the Writesonic suite), it has become my go-to AI chatbot solution.

What are ChatGPT prompts?

Before having a look at how to write award-winning, result-driven ChatGPT prompts, you need to know what a prompt is.

Prompts are the building blocks from which you can leverage the power of AI chatbots to spark creativity, initiate conversation, or do problem-solving.

These prompts, which can take the form of questions, statements or challenges, are fed into chatbots like ChatGPT or ChatSonic, and the AI in return generates responses or content based on its understanding of the input.

One remarkable aspect of these prompts is their versatility.

They can be employed in various domains and industries, ranging from education and marketing to entertainment and scientific research.

For instance, a business can utilize ChatGPT and prompts to research new markets or tackle more complex problems like creating AI-powered chatbots for customer service.

Similarly, content creators and marketers can leverage ChatGPT and prompts to brainstorm blog topics, script ideas or social media captions that resonate with their target audience.

Moreover, good prompts have proven invaluable in encouraging innovation and enhancing productivity.

By providing a fresh perspective or a unique angle on a particular subject matter, these prompts can help both individuals and businesses to think outside the box and uncover new solutions to existing problems.

They can even help you find new and unique ideas that otherwise would have snuck under the radar.

Additionally, a well-written prompt can save time and effort by automating certain tasks, such as generating headlines or drafting emails.

So, by learning how to write well-crafted prompts you enable yourself to unlock the full potential of ChatGPT, which can be extremely beneficial.

In short, AI prompts serve as a powerful tool that leverages the capabilities of artificial intelligence to inspire creativity, facilitate problem-solving, and improve overall productivity.

How does a prompt work?

Ever wished that you had an army of skilled writers at your fingertips, eagerly waiting to help you produce captivating content?

All of this is made possible thanks to AI-powered chatbots and well-crafted prompts.

Just like I said not too long ago…

Prompts are basically building blocks that acts like the ignition switch to an AI-powered writing assistant like ChatGPT. It’s what guides the AI to generate content that aligns with your specific needs.

It’s like whispering a magic spell to summon an enthralling story, an informative article, or a persuasive email.

They work by utilizing advanced algorithms and natural language processing models, like GPT-3 and 4, which have been trained on vast amounts of textual data.

As a result, ChatGPT becomes capable of understanding context, tone, and writing style, and then produces content that feels like it was written by a human.

The secret sauce lies in crafting a clear and concise prompt that effectively communicates your goals while leaving enough room for the AI’s creativity to flourish.

So, the solution to creating engaging and thought-provoking masterpieces using AI is not as far away as it might seem.

Well-written, clear prompts are the building blocks to leveraging AI systems like ChatGPT and ChatSonic.

Mastering ChatGPT prompting

Mastering the art of writing ChatGPT prompts is like having a superpower that enables you to summon the creative genius of a thousand writers at your fingertips.

It’s a skill that allows you to weave words into a tapestry of captivating content, with the perfect balance of wit and wisdom.

By learning how to write well-designed ChatGPT prompts, you’ll unlock the potential to create compelling stories, insightful articles, and mesmerizing social media posts that will leave your audience begging for more.

The benefits of honing this skill are truly limitless, from saving time and effort to boosting your creativity and productivity.

It’s like having a secret weapon in your writing arsenal, a trusty sidekick that will help you conquer the blank page and emerge victorious, leaving your competitors in the dust.

So, how do you master this skill?

To start, you should consider keep on reading this post ;).

Why you need to learn how to write result-driven ChatGPT prompts

Imagine this: you write a prompt, give it to ChatGPT and after thinking for a few seconds it spits out an answer that is equal or above your expectations…

It would feel pretty amazing…right?

Once you’ve learned how to write ChatGPT prompts that actually work, there are endless possibilities to what you can do.

You’ll have the power to create captivating content, mind-blowing ideas, and mesmerizing text.

It’s all just a few prompts away!

Honestly, unleashing your creative beast has never been easier or more exciting.

Mastering ChatGPT prompts is the secret key that unlocks the door to the phenomenal world of AI-generated content and unlimited creativity.

ChatGPT prompt hacking: How to write amazing prompts

Alright, it’s time for you to learn how to write award-winning ChatGPT prompts.

At this point, I feel like you should have enough knowledge to fully grasp what’s about to come…

Honestly, with the information you’re about to discover, I wouldn’t be surprised if you had your first prompt ready to go in less than 15 minutes.

But first things first, you need to create a ChatGPT account, which is free to do.

Or you can try my go-to alternative ChatSonic for free right here.

With the ability to log in to either of these chatbots (or both), you can start experimenting with the tips and tricks you’re about to learn below.

Now, just to be clear, what I’m about to show you is the methods I use myself to create prompts that are action and result-driven.

And for you to do the same, you need to know how to maximize (or hack, as I like to call it) the system.

So, here’s everything you need to know about how to write amazing and result-driven ChatGPT prompts.

1. Use action words as much as possible

In order to write solid ChatGPT prompts you need a good start…

Starting your prompts with an action word, such as “explain,” “describe,” or “compare,” immediately engages the AI, setting the stage for a focused and dynamic response.

This approach encourages ChatGPT to actively participate in the conversation, providing clear and actionable information to the user.

Here’s a list of action words if you need some more help:

  • Write (duh, that’s obvious)
  • Explain
  • Summarize
  • List
  • Search
  • Analyze
  • Define
  • Code
  • Design
  • Brainstorm
  • Translate
  • Create

Here’s an example of a prompt using an action word vs not using it.

ChatSonic prompt with action word: Create a plan on how to start a online business in 2023.

ChatSonic ChatGPT prompts with action words makes the output much more descriptive

ChatSonic prompts without action word: Can you tell me how to start an online business?

ChatSonic ChatGPT prompts without action words creates generic answers

See the difference?

By using a action word in the prompt you get a much more detailed answer.

2. Provide ChatGPT with context

Give ChatGPT some context to help it understand the topic and deliver a well-rounded response.

This can be done by providing background information, explaining the purpose of the prompt, or offering a brief overview of the subject matter.

This helps it to tailor its response according to the given context, making it more relevant and insightful.

Here’s what it could look like:

ChatSonic prompt the utilizes context: As a nutritionist, discuss the benefits of a plant-based diet and provide practical tips for someone looking to make the transition to this lifestyle. Consider the context of a busy working professional who has limited time for meal prep and cooking.

Using context makes the AI understand what you're trying to do much better

In this example, ChatSonic is given context about the target audience (busy working professionals) and the desired outcome (benefits of a plant-based diet and practical tips).

3. Assign ChatGPT a role

Encourage ChatGPT to take on a specific role, like a mentor or an expert, to create more engaging responses.

This technique can make the conversation more immersive and interactive, as the AI adopts a persona that offers a unique perspective and enhances the quality of its responses.

Here are some ideas of roles you could assign to ChatGPT:

  • Linux professor
  • Interviewer
  • Marketing expert
  • JavaScript console
  • Excel sheet
  • English teacher
  • Plagiarism checker
  • Advertiser
  • Relationship coach
  • Recruiter
  • Comedian
  • And the list goes on…

A nice benefit of using ChatSonic is that there are pre-built personas to choose from, this way you don’t have to command it to act at all. Just select role and ask away.

ChatSonic prompt using role-play: You are an experienced personal trainer and fitness expert. Write a detailed and informative blog post about the top 10 exercises busy professionals can do at home to stay fit and healthy. Focus on exercises that require minimal equipment, can be done in a small space, and are time-efficient. Provide step-by-step instructions and discuss the benefits of each exercise for overall health and well-being.

4. Use references if possible

Incorporate real-life references, such as historical events, famous personalities, or popular media, to make ChatGPT’s response more relatable and enriching.

References can trigger the AI’s knowledge base, allowing it to provide informative and well-structured responses that are grounded in reality.

Here’s an example:

ChatSonic prompt with a real-life reference: Using data from the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control, develop an AI model that predicts the likelihood of an individual developing a chronic disease based on their age, gender, lifestyle habits, and family medical history.

As you can see, the prompt is refined by two real-life references: the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

By referencing these organizations, the prompt signals that the AI model should be based on reliable, up-to-date health data.

Additionally, the prompt specifies that the model should take into account factors that are known to affect the likelihood of developing a chronic disease, such as age, gender, lifestyle habits, and family medical history.

5. Double quoting

Whenever you write ChatGPT prompts, employ double quotes to specify particular phrases or terms that you want the AI to use or discuss in its response.

This technique ensures that the AI remains focused on the desired topic and incorporates the given terms, resulting in a more targeted and coherent response.

Thanks to its simplicity, it’s very easy to use.

Do like this:

ChatSonic prompt with double quoting: Write a short story where the protagonist says, “Sometimes, the hardest battles are fought within ourselves.”

6. Be specific

Detail your prompt with explicit instructions, setting clear expectations for ChatGPT’s response.

This might include specifying the format, providing examples, or outlining the desired outcome. Being specific enables the AI to generate a response that precisely meets your requirements.

For instance, here’s what a this could look like:

Super specific ChatSonic prompt: Design a fully autonomous, solar-powered, aerial surveillance drone with a wingspan of exactly 2.3 meters, capable of flying at an altitude of 500 meters above sea level, maintaining a constant speed of 45 kilometers per hour. The drone should be equipped with a high-resolution camera that can capture images with a minimum resolution of 20 megapixels and transmit the data in real-time to a ground control station using an encrypted communication protocol. The drone should also have obstacle avoidance capabilities, using advanced machine vision algorithms to detect and navigate around objects during its surveillance missions. Ensure that the drone has a flight endurance of at least 8 hours and can operate reliably in harsh weather conditions, including winds up to 40 kilometers per hour and temperatures ranging from -10 to 45 degrees Celsius.

Using super specific ChatSonic ChatGPT prompts helps the output quality a lot

As you can see, by adding more details to your prompt, you can expect the quality of the output to go up significantly.

7. Provide ChatGPT with examples

Include examples in your prompt to illustrate your expectations, clarify your instructions, or provide guidance to the AI.

Examples can serve as a model for the AI, helping it to generate a response that closely aligns with your desired outcome.

Do something like this:

ChatSonic prompt that uses a example as a reference: Develop an AI model that detects fraudulent transactions in financial transactions data. The model should be trained on examples of fraudulent transactions, such as the Enron scandal and the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme, and should analyze transaction data for anomalies that indicate potential fraud. The model should take into account variables such as transaction amount, location, time, and account history to generate a fraud score for each transaction. The AI model should be continuously updated with new data and should have a high degree of accuracy in detecting fraudulent transactions to minimize financial loss for businesses.

Using real-life references in your ChatSonic ChatGPT prompts can help you get closer to the desired result

8. Specify the length of the output

When you write ChatGPT prompts, mention the desired length of the response, such as a specific word count or sentence count.

This helps the AI to tailor its response accordingly, ensuring that it is concise and to the point, or elaborate and detailed, as needed.

This one is probably the easiest to include, all you have to do is this:

ChatSonic prompt that has a specified desired output length: Explain how affiliate marketing works in 500 words.

Specifying output length in your prompts helps ChatSonic ChatGPT stay on point

9. Hold it by the hand – Yes, it’s a thing you need to do at times…

Sometimes when you write ChatGPT prompts, it could be necessary to hold the AI by the hand to ensure that does what you tell it to.

By guiding it step-by-step through the prompt, and providing it with clear instructions and direction, the final output will most definitely become better.

This technique can be especially useful for complex or multi-faceted topics, as it ensures that the AI remains focused and produces a well-structured and comprehensive response.

For instance:

A guided ChatSonic prompt: Write a haiku poem about a tranquil mountain landscape, adhering to the traditional 5-7-5 syllable pattern. The first line should mention the mountain, the second line should include a reference to a specific season, and the third line should convey a sense of peace or tranquility. Additionally, avoid using any proper nouns, pronouns, or explicit rhyming words.

Guiding the AI is sometimes necessary to get the desired result

10. Refining your prompts

If ChatGPT’s initial response doesn’t meet your expectations, don’t hesitate to refine your prompt, provide additional guidance, or ask it to elaborate on specific points.

This simple yet effective process can help you achieve the desired outcome and improve the overall quality of the AI’s response.

Very easy to do, in fact so easy that an example feels unnecessary.

11. Set the tone

When you write prompts, set the desired tone for how ChatGPT should respond, such as formal, casual, or engaging. This helps the AI to adapt its language and style, ensuring that its response aligns with the intended audience and purpose of the prompt.

Here’s what I mean:

ChatSonic prompt that emphasizes on tone and style: Write a 500-word blog post about the benefits of online marketing for small businesses. The tone should be informative and persuasive, encouraging readers to implement online marketing strategies for their business. Use the following structure:

  1. Introduction: Explain the significance of online marketing in today’s digital age.
  2. Benefits of Online Marketing: Discuss at least five key benefits of online marketing for small businesses.
  3. Tips for Effective Online Marketing: Provide three practical tips for businesses to effectively implement online marketing strategies.
  4. Conclusion: Summarize the benefits and encourage readers to take action.
Setting the tone and style to your prompt can make the output match your voice better

12. Use chained prompting

Chained prompting is an effective technique to generate more nuanced and detailed responses from your AI.

But learning how to write this kind of chained ChatGPT prompt takes some practice, so be patient.

To create an engaging chained prompt, break down your main question into smaller, related questions.

Here’s an example of such a prompt:

Prompt #1: Generate a list of 10 random words.

Response #1: river, moonlight, book, star, bicycle, seashell, laughter, key, painting, firefly.

Prompt #2: Write a short story that includes all of the 10 random words from the previous prompt.

Response #2: In the quiet town by the river, under the shimmering moonlight, lived a girl named Lily. She loved to explore the world through books and often gazed at the stars, dreaming of adventures. One day, she discovered an old bicycle hidden near the seashell-laden shore. Intrigued, she hopped on and pedaled away, guided by the laughter of fireflies. As she rode, she found a key that led her to a hidden painting, revealing a secret treasure. Overjoyed, Lily realized that true adventure could be found anywhere, even in her own backyard.

Prompt #3: Write a poem inspired by the story from the previous prompt.

Response #3: Under the moonlight’s gentle gleam, Lily’s spirit began to dream. With her bicycle, she took flight, Exploring realms in the dark of night.

Guided by laughter, she found her way, As fireflies danced, lighting her way. The river whispered secrets untold, While seashells echoed tales of old.

Within a painting’s vivid frame, A key unlocked a treasure’s claim. Her heart alight like a shining star, Adventure found near and far.

In pages turned and stories read, Lily discovered worlds widespread. For in her imagination’s reign, She found magic, time and again.

13. Using table view

Table view is a useful tool for organizing information and making it easily accessible.

To create an engaging AI prompt using table view, first identify the key data points you want to include.

Then, design a table with appropriate headers to categorize this information. Finally, ask the AI to fill in the table with the relevant details.

For instance, if you’re asking it to compare smartphones, it could look like this:

ChatSonic table view prompt: Create a table comparing the specifications of three different smartphones: iPhone 13, Samsung Galaxy S21, and Google Pixel 6.

ChatSonic ChatGPT prompts using table view is good for structuring output

As you can see, this prompt will force the AI to generate the answer in a table instead of just plain text.

14. Set Restrictions

Setting restrictions when you write AI-generated content is essential to guide ChatGPT towards producing more accurate and relevant responses.

To create engaging prompts with restrictions, define the scope of your query and set clear boundaries. This could include specifying the word count, avoiding certain topics, or focusing on a specific aspect of a subject.

For example:

Restrictive ChatSonic prompt: Write a 500-word article on the benefits of social media advertising for online businesses. The article should avoid mentioning negative aspects of social media advertising such as privacy concerns, and instead focus on the positive impact it can have on increasing brand awareness, lead generation, and conversion rates. The article should also include examples of successful social media advertising campaigns, such as those run by Airbnb and Dollar Shave Club, to illustrate the effectiveness of this advertising strategy. Additionally, the article should provide actionable tips for online businesses on how to create a successful social media advertising campaign, including how to define target audiences, craft compelling ad copy, and measure and optimize ad performance.

Setting restrictions on your ChatSonic ChatGPT prompts can make the output quality better

15. Format the result

Formatting your AI-generated content can greatly enhance its readability and appeal.

To format your ChatGPT prompt effectively, consider using bullet points, numbered lists, headings, and subheadings to break up the text and highlight important information. Additionally, utilize bold and italic text to emphasize key points and guide the reader’s attention.

Formatted ChatSonic Prompt: Write a product review of the XYZ smartwatch that includes the following formatting elements:

  1. A bold and attention-grabbing headline that clearly communicates the main takeaway of the review.
  2. An introduction that sets the context for the review and highlights the unique features of the smartwatch.
  3. A section on design and build quality, with subheadings for aspects such as the display, materials, and comfort.
  4. A section on features and performance, with subheadings for functions such as notifications, fitness tracking, and battery life.
  5. A section on usability and compatibility, with subheadings for aspects such as app integration and voice commands.
  6. A conclusion that summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of the smartwatch and provides a recommendation for who would benefit from using it.

In addition to formatting elements, the review should also include images of the smartwatch and its features to further enhance its appeal and readability. The review should be engaging and informative, highlighting both the benefits and drawbacks of the product while providing actionable insights for readers.


How long can ChatGPT prompts be?

There is no real limit for how long or short a ChatGPT prompt can be.

What makes a ChatGPT prompt successful?

A successful ChatGPT prompt is clear, specific, and provides relevant context, enabling accurate and meaningful responses.

Are there any specific rules or guidelines to follow when writing ChatGPT prompts?

There are no rules for writing ChatGPT prompts, but here are some good guidelines to follow:

1. Use clear and simple language.
2. Avoid ambiguity.
3. Stay focused on the topic at hand.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing ChatGPT prompts?

Some common mistakes to avoid when writing ChatGPT prompts include:

1. Avoid writing prompts that are vague too general or lack specificity.
2. Using incomplete prompts, which can lead to confusing or inaccurate answers.
3. Not using enough context and background information.

What are some examples of successful ChatGPT prompts?

Here are a three examples of successful ChatGPT prompts:

“What are some tips for improving my public speaking skills?”
This prompt is open-ended and specific, and it asks for advice that is relevant to the user’s goals. The AI can respond with a list of tips and strategies for improving public speaking.

“What is the meaning of life?”
This prompt is philosophical and thought-provoking, and it asks the AI to provide a thoughtful response. The AI can respond with a range of perspectives and opinions, which can lead to an interesting conversation.

“Can you help me troubleshoot a problem with my computer?”
This prompt is clear and specific, and it asks for technical assistance that is relevant to the user’s needs. The AI can respond with a step-by-step guide for troubleshooting the problem, which can be very helpful.


There you have it, a complete guide on how to write award-winning ChatGPT prompts.

In summary, writing effective prompts for ChatGPT can greatly enhance your interactions and maximize the potential of this powerful language model. Throughout this guide, we’ve covered a comprehensive set of tips and tricks to help you harness the full capabilities of ChatGPT.

Starting your prompts with an action word is key to guiding the AI in the right direction. It’s like giving it a clear path to follow. Then, give some context and assign a specific role to the AI. This helps keep the conversation focused and relevant.

Here’s a cool trick: drop some references and use double quoting. It adds credibility and lets the AI tap into its knowledge base. Also, be specific and throw in unique examples too. This helps ChatGPT understand what you’re after and generate spot-on responses.

Additionally, if you want a shorter or longer reply, just mention the desired length of the output.

To boost the quality of the AI’s responses, refine your prompts and set the tone. This helps ChatGPT to generate content that matches your style and voice.

And if you want to supercharge ChatGPT’s output, give chained prompting and table view a try.

Lastly, maintain control by setting appropriate restrictions and formatting the final result. It’s like adding those finishing touches to make sure your prompts hit the bullseye.

But here’s the most exciting part: you don’t have to limit yourself to one tip or technique. Feel free to mix and match these strategies, creating your own “mega-prompts” tailored to your unique requirements.

Now I’d like to hear from you:

Do you feel like you now know how to write better ChatGPT prompts?

Let me know by leaving a comment below.


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