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How To Write Blog Posts Using AI: The Complete Guide For 2023

A step-by-step guide on how to use AI to write blog posts

In this post I’m going to show you how AI tools can help you write better blog posts (fast). I’ll also talk about how it can help you overcome the challenges of limited time and writer’s block.

As a blogger, I know first-hand how challenging it can be to come up with fresh content ideas on a regular basis. 

Writer’s block is a real issue, and sometimes, it can feel like there’s no way out.

And even with an idea in-store, finding the time to research and write a post can be tough.

A busy schedule filled with family activities, workouts, a 9-to-5 job, etc. makes it hard to find the time to sit down and write.

Fortunately, AI-powered blogging tools can come to the rescue. With the help of AI, you can now generate blog ideas, research, and write blog posts at a pace you never thought possible.

So today, I’ll share how AI can help you generate blog ideas, research and write posts, and optimize them for SEO and engagement.

Let’s dive right in…

Introducing AI-powered blogging

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the way we live and work, and blogging is no exception.

Here’s the deal, writing blog posts just got a whole lot more exciting with the introduction of AI-powered tools. Imagine never having to struggle with writer’s block again, or being able to produce high-quality content at lightning speed.

With AI, you can generate fresh and engaging content ideas almost instantaneously, and you can let the robots do the bulk of the heavy writing and editing as well.

Plus, with the ability to analyze data and optimize your content for SEO, your blog posts will be sure to attract and retain a loyal audience.

Not only does this save time and increase productivity, but it also allows bloggers to focus on what they do best – connecting with their audience.

So if you have a business based around blogging and content, you definitely need to check this AI thing out. It will take your blogging game to the next level.

Understanding the problem of writer’s block and limited time

One of the biggest challenges bloggers face is writer’s block. Even the most experienced writers can struggle to come up with fresh and engaging content ideas.

This is especially true if you’ve been blogging for a while. 

What happens is that you hit a point when you’ve run out of ideas or inspiration, making it nearly impossible to write anything.

On top of that, most bloggers have limited time to devote to their craft. They may have a full-time job, family responsibilities, or other commitments that make it difficult to find time for research and writing.

So whenever you actually DO have time to write, you need to make the most out of it. And being able to produce more in the same amount of time is a good start.

How an AI blog idea generator can help you come up with new fresh content

In my time as a full-time writer, I’ve found that the easiest way to overcome writer’s block is by getting a new idea for a post.

But good ideas tend to not just show up on command. They come when you least expect it, like when you’re in the shower.

That’s good and all, but honestly, the best time to get a good idea is when you sit in front of the computer, ready to write.

And one of the most significant benefits of using AI to write blog posts is its ability to generate new content ideas quickly and efficiently.

The best part is that all good AI writers have built-in AI-powered blog idea generators. So you can come up with fresh and engaging ideas for your blog posts when you need them.

To use AI to research and identify blog post topic ideas, start by entering your keyword and/or topic into an AI-writing tool. 

Using AI to generate ideas for a blog post

By using natural language processing (NLP) algorithms the AI-powered blog idea generator analyzes your input.

And in about 5 seconds the AI has gone through tons of data to generate topics based on your input.

This means that in the time it takes you to take a sip of coffee, the AI can help you brainstorm wide a selection of highly relevant blog post topic ideas.

You can then use these suggestions as a starting point to create new blog posts.

And I probably don’t have to tell you that starting with a good idea makes the process of writing new blog posts much easier.

As you can see, the cure for writer’s block goes hand in hand with the development of AI

Tips for selecting the best topic ideas for your blog posts

When it comes to creating a successful blog, topics are key.

Basically, the topics you choose are the bread and butter of your site.


Well because they are what attract and keeps readers to your site.

However, it can be tough to know where to start, after all, there are a “few” topics out there to choose from.

So here is a list of tips for selecting the best blog topic ideas possible:

#1: Consider your audience

First and foremost, it’s important to consider your audience.

  • Who are you writing for?
  • What do they want to read about?
  • What are their pain points and challenges?

By understanding your audience, it becomes easier to come up with blog post topic ideas that are relevant and engaging.

And when your blog posts are relevant and resonates with your audience, they’ll keep on coming back for more.

#2: What’s your blog about

Another key factor to consider when selecting blog post topic ideas is your niche.

  • What is your blog about?
  • What are your areas of expertise?

By focusing on a specific niche or topic, you can position yourself as an expert in your field.

Not only do field experts’ blogs attract readers who are interested in that particular subject. But search engines also love sites that come across as authorities.

If you want to rank content online, becoming a so called “topical authority” is a very good strategy.

#3: Consider your own interests and passions

It’s also important to think about your own interests and passions.

After all, if you’re not excited about the topic you’re writing about, it’s unlikely that your readers will be either.

So, consider what topics you’re passionate about and how you can incorporate them into your blog.

#4: Do your research (peeking allowed)

Once you have a few blog post topic ideas in mind, it’s important to do some research.

Look at what other bloggers in your niche are writing about, and see how you can put your own spin on those topics.

Use tools like Google Trends and BuzzSumo to see what topics are trending and what’s popular in your industry.

#5: Experiment.

Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things.

Your blog is a place for you to express your creativity and showcase your unique voice. So, don’t be afraid to take risks and try out new blog post topic ideas.

You never know what might resonate with your audience and help you stand out in a crowded blogosphere.

By considering these factors and focusing on your niche, interests, and passions, you can create blog posts that is both engaging and valuable to your readers.

AI-powered writing tools for bloggers

Let’s be real, writing can be time-consuming and sometimes exhausting. That’s where AI writing tools come in to save the day.

These powerful tools are designed to help improve your writing skills and save you time by automating some of the more tedious tasks involved in content creation.

By using both machine learning algorithms and natural language processing, they can monitor and analyze your writing and suggest improvements on the fly.

So AI can help you with everything from grammar and spelling to sentence structure and style.

Some of these AI tools can even learn from your writing style and adapt to your preferences over time. Meaning that the more you use them, the better they get.

There are many different AI writing tools available on the market today, each with its own set of features and benefits. Some of the most popular tools include:

There are so many that I had to make a guide on all the best AI writing tools. You can check that one out here.

All of these tools have one thing in common…

They’ll help you improve your writing skills, reduce errors, and save time so you can focus on creating more great blog posts.

How to write a blog post fast with the help of AI

With the help of AI-powered writing assistants, you can write blog posts in minutes. 

Depending on how bad your writer’s block is, you can start in a couple of ways. I’ll assume the worst to cover everything just in case.

Here are the steps you need to take to write a blog post (fast) using AI:

Step #1: Select a software

The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a software.

My preferred AI writer is Writesonic because it has a good feature set and resonable pricing.

I also like it because it has a dedicated blog and article writer feature called the Article Writer 4.0.

This feature will guide you from keyword research to getting ideas, to crafting outlines, to generating the initial draft. So long-form content becomes super easy to create.

Writesonic also have separate features for generating blog ideas, article outlines, and blog intros with AI. So you can choose one if you only need a bit of help getting started.

Besides that there are also 60+ other writing features, in case you need to write something else.

If you’d like to try Writesonic for yourself, you can get started for free here.

Step #2: Get some keywords

Once inside Writesonic, fire up the Article Writer 4.0 to start the blog post generation process.

The first thing you’ll be askes is to generate some keywords, so go ahead and put in your topic to get some suggestions.

The AI will then use your topic to identify the most promising keywords. (If you already have a keyword you’d like to use, just put it in the Keyword field and click Next).

Based on a topic, AI can generate some keyword suggestions for you to use

Step #3: Pick an idea for your post

Next it’s time to generate an idea for your blog post.

In addition to the topic and the keywords form the previous step, you new need to set a tone and a language and click Generate.

Based on those settings, the AI will generate a few blog topic ideas in just a few seconds. (This is your blog posts H1 heading).

You can repeat this as many times as you want, until you find a good idea or run out of words.

using AI to generate some good blog post headlines

Step #4: Select an outline

With the topic set, it’s time to generate an outline. This is something that is very easy to do.

All you need to do is to set a tone of voice and a point of view, then click Generate.

Just like with step #3, you can regenerate as many outlines as you like. Plus, if you find that you want to combine outlines, check the Select Individual Outlines at the top.

Generating outlines with Writesonic's article writer 4.0

Step #5: Generate the blog post

Next, its time to use the AI to generate (write) your first blog post draft quickly and efficiently.

Again, all the data from the previous steps remains. So all you really need to do is set tone, POV and also (if you like) a CTA.

Then click Generate Article, and the AI will think for a minute, then spit out a blog post with image and everything.

A complete blog post draft generated with AI

Step #6: Editing

Once you have a rough draft, use Writesonic’s Sonic Editor to edit, analyze and improve your post. 

The Sonic Editor is like Google Docs but with access to AI tools, so you can add, remove, rewrite, and much more with ease. Plus, you also have access to ChatSonic, which is like ChatGPT…but better.

If you have a Surfer SEO account, you can also integrate it into Writesonic. Meaning that you can optimize your post for SEO right inside the Sonic Editor.

If you don’t have that, do the heavy editing here then export your blog post to, for example WordPress. Then use Yoast SEO or similar to finalize the SEO optimization.

Okay, I assumed that you’re using WordPress since that is such a popular blogging platform. Even if you don’t use it, Writesonic can export your post in many formats.

As you can see, besides the editing, we just used AI to write a really good 1K+ word blog post draft in under seven minutes.

So AI can definitely help you create a high-quality blog post in a fraction of the time it would take to write one from scratch.

The pros and cons of using AI in blog writing

While AI-powered blogging tools have many benefits, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider. 

On the one hand, AI can help bloggers to save time, increase productivity, and create high-quality content. 

On the other hand, some bloggers may feel that using AI takes away from the personal touch of their writing. 

And some may worry that AI-powered tools can generate ideas and write blog posts, but they lack the creativity and personal touch that human writers possess.

However, these drawbacks, to me at least, are not such a big concern if you look at AI the “right” way. Rather than seeing it as a replacement for human writers, see it as a compliment to human creativity. 

Why should you spend hours and hours on boring, mundane research, when that time could be spent refining blog posts and growing your brand? 

And if you feel discouraged to write new blog posts due to the long research process, AI can help you bring back the fun into writing. Essentially allowing you to spend more time doing the thing that got you into blogging in the first place, creating unique and thoughtful blog posts that engage your audience.

All in all, it’s important to find the balance between using AI to improve your writing and maintaining your unique voice and style.

If you can do that, then I think you’ll see more pros than cons when it comes to AI writing.

How AI can help you optimize blog posts for SEO

One of the more significant benefits of using AI to write blog posts is its ability to optimize your content for SEO.

This can be super valuable to you as a blogger if you are relying on organic traffic where ranking high in the SERPs is everything.

Almost every good AI writing tool on the market can analyze your content in real-time and suggest changes to improve your keyword density (semantics included), meta descriptions, and other key SEO ranking factors.

So, by incorporating AI into your daily writing routine, you can speed up the optimization process and save hours in the process. 

Plus, you can also expect to see a boost in post rankings thanks to well-optimized articles. 

And if you rely on organic traffic, having well-optimized articles on your blog will help you ensure maximum exposure and reach over time. 

In short, higher quality blog posts equals better rankings, resulting in more traffic, leading to more potential revenue.

How AI can help improve the readability and engagement of your blog posts

In addition to optimizing your blog posts for SEO, AI can also help to improve the readability and engagement of your posts. 

AI-powered writing tools can analyze your writing to identify areas where your content may need improvements, such as shortening sentences or using simpler language.

They can also suggest changes to improve engagement, such as adding more visual content or using more emotional language.

For example, most AI writers can easily set or change the tone of their text to make it more appealing to the reader. 

Some tools can also help you with passive voice, something that many writers struggle with. Changing your passive sentences to their active counterpart will often make the sentence shorter and more pleasant to read.

Moreover, as I mentioned earlier, AI can help you with active grammar correction. In my mind, a grammar-correct blog post will show more authority than one with a bunch of spelling errors.

I mean, would you consider a text full of simple spelling mistakes to be credible?

If someone can’t bother to fix some simple errors, maybe the rest of the content is sloppy as well.

The future of AI-powered blogging

As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more advanced and sophisticated blogging tools in the future. Machine learning algorithms will become more powerful and accurate, and AI-powered tools will become more integrated and seamless in our workflow.

These tools will likely be able to analyze and understand the human language even more accurately, making it easier for bloggers to create high-quality content that resonates with their readers.

Additionally, AI-powered tools will become more accessible and affordable, allowing smaller bloggers to use them to increase their productivity.

Ultimately, if you think today’s AI-powered writing tools have revolutionized the world of blogging, just wait. 

AI is a rapidly evolving field and in just a few years, we’ll have access to tools that will make today’s tools look like child’s play.

The AI tools of tomorrow will most likely enable bloggers and writers to produce content that is pretty much indistinguishable from human-written pieces.

I mean they do a pretty good job of that today, what will happen when AI can take in live data and test its theories against the world (like a real scientist)?


There you have it, now you know how to write blog posts using AI, and thanks to this guide you have everything you need to get started at one place.

The blogging game has been turned upside-down thanks to the latest advancements in AI. The time where you had to spend hours researching and writing is a thing of the past.

And writer’s block will soon be a thing of the past.

Now you can use AI-driven blog idea generators, research tools, writing tools, and editing tools, to write blog posts in minutes. Freeing up important time that you can spend on growing your brand to new heights.

It doesn’t matter if you’re struggling with writer’s block, limited time or just want to produce more, AI-powered blogging tools can help you get the job done. 

Ultimately, this allows you to write and publish more high-quality blog posts, leading to better engagement with your readers.

While there are some potential risks to consider, the benefits of using AI in blogging far outweigh the drawbacks in my mind. 

It’s all about working smarter, not harder, so why not give AI a try?

And if you want to boost your blogging business with AI, I can highly recommend that you try Writesonic.

Now I’d like to hear from you:

Are you going to give AI a try and write some blog posts using it?

Let me know by leaving a comment below.


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