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What Is Artificial Intelligence And How Does It Work? [2023 Guide]

What is artificial intelligence and how does it work

In this post, I will unpack the basics of artificial intelligence and discuss what it is, how it works, and its potential applications, both present and in the future.

Artificial Intelligence, is probably one of the most talked-about topics in the tech industry today. With its ability to automate processes, make decisions, and solve complex problems, it has quickly become a game changer for many businesses.

But that begs the question, is AI just a computer that has gotten megalomania?

Well, that’s what I’m going to try and answer today…

Let’s get cracking…

Introduction to artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that is heavily focused on creating machines that can think, learn and act like humans, or even better.

It involves developing algorithms that allow machines to analyze huge chunks of data, make decisions, solve problems, and learn from experience.

It’s actually kind of amazing that we can train computers this way.

But AI is not a new thing. The first successful AI program was written in 1951 by Christopher Strachey. And by 1952, that AI could play a complete game of chess in a reasonable time.

So artificial intelligence has been around for decades now, lurking silently in the background. However, recent advancements in computer technology and science have brought it back into the spotlight.

Now, AI has become a major focus for tech companies and the demand for this technology is on the uprising.


Because AI has the potential to revolutionize both the way we do business and the way we interact with technology at large.

So it’s essential for everyone to understand the basics of this technology since it most likely will become a part of our everyday life.

What is AI, exactly?

At its core, artificial intelligence, or AI for short, is the science of creating machines that can think and act on their own.

For example, AI, like Siri, use natural language processing to understand what you’re saying when you ask “her” a question.

Then it analyzes your words, tries to make sense of them and answers with the best possible answer it can, based on billions of parameters.

That’s exactly what the goal of natural language processing (NLP) is. Use computer science to evolve computers so they can understand text and voice input, and then respond in a way that makes sense to you and me.

There’s also something called neural networks, which is AI technology that evolves over time, with practice, just like human evolution.

As you can understand, AI involves developing algorithms that allow machines to make decisions, solve problems, and learn from experience.

Scientists built AI on the idea that machines should be able to learn and adapt to changing conditions. This means that they can take in information, analyze it, and make decisions based on what they’ve learned in the past.

Unlike humans, that only can process so much information at once, AI’s aren’t bound by that kind of limitation. They can process large amounts of data in a matter of minutes.

This makes AI perfect for data analysis, pattern recognition, and advanced automation. All of which can improve efficiency and reduce costs.

Weak AI and strong AI

We can divide artificial intelligence into two main categories: weak AI and strong AI.

Weak AI, also known as narrow AI, is limited to one specific task, and it’s very good at that single task. This type of AI relies 100% on humans to define the parameters of its algorithm.

Weak AI is commonly used in applications such as facial recognition, automation of tasks, and voice recognition. Some other examples of weak AI are:

  • Meta’s newsfeed
  • Google Search
  • Smart assistants like Siri
  • Self-driving cars
  • Spotify shuffle

Strong AI, also known as artificial general intelligence (AGI), is capable of understanding and reasoning about a variety of tasks. This type of AI doesn’t rely on human input to define its parameters.

It uses an evolutionary approach to develop a human-like consciousness. It learns just like a newborn child and develops over time.

This type of AI is still in its early stages of development, so it doesn’t exist…yet.

How does AI work?

AI systems use advanced algorithms to identify patterns, analyze data and make decisions.

An easy way of understanding neural networks learn and develop is if you see it as dog training.

When the dog does something you want it to, you give it a treat. The same thing goes for neural networks, but instead of dog treats, you give them numbers.

And neural network AI loves numbers; they’re basically addicted to them, but in a good way.

But let’s get back to the algorithm for a while…

We can divide the algorithms used in AI systems use into three major categories: supervised learning, unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning.

If you don’t know, an algorithm is a set of instructions that tells a computer how to process data.

Computer scientists are designing AI algorithms so they can learn from trained data and make decision based on that. If the AI hasn’t learned it, it can’t make any decisions, but more on that in a minute.

Supervised learning algorithms

These algorithms are programmed with clearly-defined (labeled) training data. AI then use this data to become better and expand their knowledge.

Supervised learning algorithms come in six variants:

  • Decision Tree: This is the most common one and it gets its name from its tree-like structure. This algorithm puts all the data into decision nodes. Then it uses ASM (Attribute Selection Measures) to consider various measurements. By using the root data and ASM, the decision tree can sort out the data into sub-nodes until the answer is reached.
  • Random Forest: This is just what it sounds like, a collection of decision trees. In order to obtain a more accurate result, multiple decision trees are connected with each other.
  • Support Vector Machines (SVM): This algorithm works by plotting all the individual data pieces on a chart. It then creates a hyperplane that separates the data into classes. This can be useful for solving non-linear problems.
  • Naive Bayes: This algorithm is based on Bayes’ Theorem and assumptions. This method of processing data is useful if you have large datasets with many classes.
  • Linear Regression: Here you plot data on a chart, almost like SVM. The data points are arranged in a linear way to determine their relationships and predict future data.
  • Logistic Regression: This one uses binary values (0/1) to approximate values from a set of individual values. Logical regression is perfect for yes and no problems and an example of this is an email spam filter.

Unsupervised learning algorithms

Unlike the previous one, these algorithms use unlabeled data.

The algorithm then uses this data to create models and examine the correlations between multiple data points in order to provide more clarity to the data.

Unsupervised learning algorithms come in three variants:

  • Definition: Clustering: This is a way to sort unlabeled data points into clusters. The goal is for each data point to only belong to one cluster with zero overlaps.
  • K-means clustering: K-means works by plotting put all the data no matter what cluster it belongs to. It then takes a random piece of data and sets it as the center for each cluster. All the other data points are then sorted based on proximity to each other and the center of each cluster.
  • Gaussian mixture model: The Gaussian model is a version of K-means that allows a bit more versatile cluster formations.

Reinforcement learning algorithms

This approach to learning is based on receiving feedback from the outcome of its actions, usually in the form of a “reward”. The process then repeats itself, and the AI gets better the more positive rewards it gets.

Reinforcement learning comes in three variants:

  • Policy: Generally, policy-based learning will explore two possible paths to decide which step to take next. Either a standard approach where the result always stays the same, or the dynamic approach, where probabilities are mapped and calculated for each reaction.
  • Model: This model works with dynamic environments, where the AI learns to perform consistently in each environment.
  • Value: Value-based learning focuses more on long-term returns rather than short-time rewards.

In addition to algorithms, AI systems also need data to learn from. This data can come from a variety of sources such as images, text, and audio.

For example, OpenAI trained the popular model GPT-3 on Common Crawl, WebText2, Books1, Books2, and Wikipedia.

All this training and advanced algorithms have made it so AI today can generate 99.9% unique content that hasn’t been seen before. This is probably why AI has become so popular to use as a writing assistant.

Four types of artificial intelligence

AI can be divided into four main categories: rule-based systems, machine learning systems, deep learning systems, and natural language processing systems.


Reactive machine AI is a type of artificial intelligence that is designed to react to input without considering prior experience or context.

This is in contrast to other types of AI, such as general intelligence, which is designed to learn from experience and make decisions based on prior knowledge.

Reactive machines AI is commonly used in robotics, basic autonomous vehicles, and other applications where quick, efficient, reliable and repeatable responses are necessary.

By responding quickly and efficiently, reactive machine AI can help machines complete tasks that would otherwise be too difficult or complex for them.

For example, self-driving vehicles use reactive AI to quickly and accurately respond to their current environment and make decisions about how to navigate safely.

Limited memory

Limited memory AI is a form of artificial intelligence that has the ability to remember information. It is based on the idea of predictive analytics, which is storing old data and predictions and using them to make better predictions in the future.

Thanks to its memory capabilities, it’s especially useful for tasks that require rapid decision-making and problem-solving.

This type of AI is used in various applications, such as online search engines, chatbots, autonomous systems and robotics.

For example, a search engine might store data about the user’s recent searches and the results that were displayed. This data can be used to optimize search results for future queries.

Another example is autonomous vehicles, where the AI system must process data like speed, direction, traffic movement, signals, etc. at a rapid pace and make decisions about what to do next.

This could be things like speeding up to the speed limit while not hitting the car in front or calculating a new faster route based on traffic flow.

And thanks to memory it can remember key data points from one time to the next. This leads to a sort of self-optimizing behavior.

Theory of Mind

Theory of Mind AI is an area of artificial intelligence that focuses on enabling machines to understand the mental states of humans. It’s an attempt to bridge the gap between the world of machines and the world of people.

Theory of Mind AI seeks to simulate the human mind and to build machines that can think and reason like humans. The goal is to develop AI technologies that can understand human thoughts, intentions, and emotions.

This would allow machines to interact with people in a more human-like manner and to be better able to understand and respond appropriately to their needs.

Theory of mind AI is being used in a variety of applications, including natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, customer service, and more.

For instance, this type of AI can be used to create lifelike virtual assistants (like ChatGPT), and even help robots interact with humans in a more natural and safe way.


Self-aware Artificial Intelligence is an AI system that is capable of understanding its own mental states, beliefs, and motivations. These systems are able to recognize their own internal states, learn from experience, and make decisions based on their perceived goals.

They are built to be aware of their own capabilities and limitations, and to understand their environment and the actions they can take within it. In other words, it has the ability to “think” for itself.

Self-aware AI is a cutting-edge technology, but it’s still in the early stage of development. But given enough time and resources, this type of AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with machines.

For example, self-aware AI could be used to create autonomous robots that act based on their own understanding of the world, rather than relying on pre-programmed instructions.

It can also help improve decision-making and advanced problem-solving, as well as provide insights into areas like healthcare and finance.

Benefits of using AI and the challenges facing it

AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we live our lives.

However, when it comes to the benefits, drawbacks and challenges of using AI there’s a lot to talk about. In fact, I’ve made an entire post dedicated to it.

So for now, I’ll just cover the key points of the pros and cons.

The benefits of using AI


One of the biggest benefits is that AI can automate tedious and repetitive tasks. This can improve productivity and reduce human error.

Increased efficiency:

AI can also significantly increase efficiency in business processes, driving cost savings and helping companies become more competitive.

Aid in decision making:

AI can assist decision-making by using predictive analytics to quickly assess risks and opportunities. This can help identify patterns and trends in data that might otherwise would have been missed.

Ultimately leading to businesses being able to create data-driven strategies that will lead to increased profits.

Improved accuracy in industries:

AI can analyze large datasets quickly, improving the speed and accuracy of industrial processes.

Not only can this lead to better future prediction and better project planning and managemet.

But it can also lead to a safer workplace, where predictive analysis can calculate both potential riskas and maintenance schedules.

Improved customer service:

AI can be used to improve customer service, providing personalized experiences and building better relationships with customers.

The best part it that these AI-powered chatbots is working around the clock, and are always ready with answers.

The challenges facing AI

Bias and inaccuracy:

AI faces challenges with accuracy and biased information. This is simply because it can only be as accurate as the data it has been trained on.

It can also struggle with accuracy when interpreting data, making it difficult to get all the facts right.

Slow and expensive development:

AI systems take a lot of time and is expensive to develop. This is mostly because it needs access to a lot of data and computing power to be able to learn.

It also takes time to develop new and more efficient algorithms. Since this have to be done manually, labor costs will be high. Additionally, AI can have a tough time keeping up with the latest trends since it, for now, requires manual training.


Regular maintenance is important for AI to work properly. Keeping it up-to-date with the latest topics and fresh data is key to ensure good performance.

This is also something that has to be done manually.


AI is vulnerable to cyberattacks, making cybersecurity a challenge. Adversarial learning techniques can be used to target AI learning data, providing it with inaccurate and deceptive inputs.


The ethics dilemma of who is responsible for AI-powered things in accidents needs to be sorted out. Before we’ve done that, large scale use of AI isn’t really faceable.

It’s essential that we answer these questions before AI have a major place in for example public transport and healthcare.

Hard to understand:

Understanding how AI systems work and make decisions can be hard for the average Joe. This makes transparency a challenge for some businesses and individuals that want to use AI.

AI use cases across different industries

There are a lot of use cases for AI today, Everything from writing to facial recognition and autonomous cars.

Blogging and writing

AI-powered writing tools are becoming increasingly popular among bloggers and writers as a tool to help them create content more efficiently and effectively.

These tools can be used to automate tasks such as researching, writing, proofreading, and editing. AI tools can also be used to generate content ideas, organize research, recommend relevant topics, and suggest relevant keywords.

It can even help generate unique long-form content, such as articles and even entire books.

Further, AI can be used to track and analyze data related to blog performance, helping writers to optimize their content for maximum reach and engagement.

Additionally, it can also be used to automate mundane tasks like scheduling posts and content planning, freeing up time for writers to focus on their craft.

Autonomous vehicles

Autonomous vehicles use a combination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other advanced technologies such as sensors, cameras, radar, lidar and GPS to navigate their environment.

They use AI to process the data from all of these sensors in order to determine where they are in the environment, identify objects, and plan for the best course of action.

AI enables self-driving vehicles to make decisions in the same way a human would. Just like the human brain, these vehicles use AI technology for object and pattern recognition. This helps the computer to recognize traffic signs, pedestrians, cyclists, and other objects in the environment.

Plus, the AI system can also learn from its experiences and adapt to new situations. It can even interact with other vehicles, allowing them to work together.

All of this technology allows autonomous vehicles to drive more efficiently and safely.

Healthcare and medicine

Healthcare is one of the most promising areas to apply AI technology. AI has the potential to revolutionize the way healthcare is delivered, from enhancing prevention and diagnosis to transforming treatments and improving patient outcomes.

AI can be used to improve patient care in several ways. It can help with diagnosis, allowing doctors to make more accurate and informed decisions about treatment. It can be used to monitor patients, detect signs of illness or disease earlier, and alert physicians when they need to take action.

Plus, AI can also be used to analyze large amounts of data to gain insights into the effectiveness of treatments, the progress of diseases, and the likelihood of certain outcomes.


Artificial Intelligence can be used in the manufacturing industry to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase output. It can be used to automate manual processes which are typically labor-intensive and time-consuming.

AI can also be used to identify patterns in data, predict demand, and provide insights into how operations can be improved. Plus, it can also help businesses streamline their production processes by detecting defects in parts and materials, allowing for faster and more accurate production.

Additionally, AI can be used to optimize supply chains, reducing waste and improving efficiency. And it can also help with predictive maintenance, allowing for more proactive approaches to maintaining machinery and equipment.

Finally, AI can be used to monitor production in real time, providing data-driven insights into how operations can be further improved.

Industries working with cloud computing

Cloud computing companies can leverage AI in a variety of ways to improve their operations and services. AI technologies such as natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and deep learning can be used to automate processes, power intelligent search, optimize resource utilization and more.

For example, cloud computing companies can use NLP to provide better customer service by understanding the intent of queries and providing more accurate responses.

Machine and deep learning can be used to identify patterns in customer data to create more personalized services. It can also be used to proactively anticipate customer needs, identify areas for improvement and make recommendations.

In addition, AI can be used to automate mundane tasks such as managing cloud resources, monitoring system performance and preventing security threats.

By leveraging AI-driven automation, cloud computing companies can save time and money while improving safety and accuracy.

AI can also be used to build more efficient cloud infrastructures. Industries can use AI to optimize resource utilization, automate scaling and provisioning, and monitor system performance.

AI-driven analytics can also be used to identify trends in usage and make more informed decisions about capacity planning.

Finally, AI can be used to develop cloud-based applications that are more powerful and user-friendly. AI-powered bots, virtual assistants, and conversational interfaces can be used to provide better customer service, facilitate collaboration, and increase engagement.

Artificial intelligence in the future

As AI technology continues to develop, its potential applications are only going to increase.

We’re likely to see more AI-powered systems in the future, from facial recognition to autonomous vehicles. And we’ll also see more AI-powered consumer products that’ll help us in our daily life, like phones, and virtual assistants.

In the future, we’ll see faster internet with better coverage, better semiconductors, more efficient algorithms, smaller chips and processors, and more.

All of these are things that can be used in the field of AI technology.

It’s also going to be interesting to see the advances being made in the self-aware AI department. Once we crack this code, our reality of life will change fundamentally. (Hopefully, it won’t end up like in The Terminator, where computers have gone totally insane looking for world domination).

I’m personally very interested in seeing what technological advancements will make once we figure out a viable solution for superconductors and smaller readily available quantum computers.

Just imagine what we and AI can do with that kind of computing power.

AI is also likely to have a major impact on the way we work. AI systems can be used to automate processes, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. This could lead to a shift in the workforce, as more jobs are automated by AI.


Artificial intelligence is an incredibly powerful technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we do business. Thanks to technology. we’ll be able to automate tasks, improve efficiency, and reduce costs.

We can also use the power of artificial intelligence to develop new products and services, improve customer service, and identify potential problems.

AI is already being used in a variety of industries, and its potential applications are only going to increase in the future. So understanding the basics of AI is essential for businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve.

Now I’d like to hear from you:

What do you think AI will have in store for us in the future?

Let me know by leaving a comment below.


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