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Sales Funnel Offer Wall: What Is It And How Do You Add One?

how to build a sales funnel offer wall

Today I’m going to tell you what an offer wall is and show you how to add one to your sales funnel.

Here’s the truth, messing with an already working sales funnel can be a gamble.

On one side you have a working sales machine that does it job really well.

On the other side, you want to increase the revenue potential from your funnel. But your want to do it without risking any potential downtime.

So how do you pull this off?

By adding a offer wall to your funnel of course.

This strategy doesn’t require you to add any extra steps or mess with your funnel structure at all.

I would even say that this is the simplest thing you can do to optimize your funnel for more revenue.

And in this guide, I’ll explain to you, in simple step-by-step format, what an offer wall is and how to add one to your funnel.

Let’s dive right in…

Note: I assume that you know hoe to build a simple sales funnel, and that you already have one active funnel. If you’re starting from scratch, then I recommend that you read this guide first.

What exactly is a sales funnel offer wall?

Before we add anything to you funnel, you first need to understand what you’re about to add.

Fists, this is not to be confused with upsells and downsells, that’s an entirely different thing.

Now, an offer wall is a strategy you can use inside your funnel in order to show your customers’ other related products to the one they just bought.

These products are in their own separate funnels, and all you do is link between them without the customer ever having to leave your funnel.

I hope that made any sense?

If no, it will later.

See the offer wall as the first step into advanced funnel management and funnel interlinking.

Now, unlike an upsell, the offer wall doesn’t require you to add any additional steps to your funnel.

All you do is add one extra element to the already existing order confirmation page of your funnel and that’s it.

Could it really be that simple to optimize a sales funnel and interlink it to other funnels?

Well…YES it could.

Here’s what a traditional order confirmation page usually looks like this.

simple order confirmation page

And here is the same page but with the offer wall added to it.

order confirmation page with a offer wall added

As you can see, not much has changed…

But a powerful, yet simple, optimization strategy is now in place.

The real reason why you’d want to add one

Okay, the offer wall is easy to add, I still don’t fully understand how it will benefit me.

The real reason to why you’d want to add an offer wall to your funnel is that:

  1. It fills your other funnels with HOT buyers by interlinking between them.
  2. Super simple strategy to use (if you have multiple products or services).
  3. It keeps the buyers loop open, which is awesome for repeat sales.
  4. It’s free of choice, which means that you don’t have to shove an offer into the buyers face.

The whole idea behind the offer wall is that you create an umbrella like network between your funnels.

You take the traffic that has already converted in one funnel, and put it into another funnel.

The goal is to fill all your funnels with smoking “hot” traffic. And what better “hot” traffic than the once coming from a funnel where a purchase already have been made.

I think you now understand that interlinking is the word of the day.

Why does a sales funnel offer wall work so well?

If you read my guide on sales funnel optimization, you know that identifying hyperactive buyers is an amazing way to find extra revenue.

And with an offer wall in place, you can identify those buyers without having to actively push a sales message into their faces.

You simply let the customer make an active choice.

All you really do is show them your other offers that relates the the one they just bought…

Then you simply ask if the customer want the check them out as well, since they compliment the thing they just bought so well.

Nothing nefarious about that…

It doesn’t have to be anything super fancy either.

You could literally say something like:

“You might be interested in (x products and services) as well”.

The once who are interested will click through and check out what you have to offer.

And since they just bought something from you, they are considered “HOT” buyers in the next funnel.

What you’ve essentially done, is to identify hyperactive buyers, and you want many of those.

The best part is that all of this is done without having to push any sales at all.

Meaning, the customers’ are free to leave the order confirmation page if they aren’t interested in buying anything else.

No annoying pop-ups or stuff to destroy the user experience.

Now that you understand the theory, let’s add an offer wall to your sales funnel.

How to add an offer wall to a sales funnel

First, I’ll be showing you how to do this using Systeme.io. There is a free trial here if you want to do the same.

Before you do anything you need to make sure that you have everything else prepared…

Okay, I admit, “everything else”is a pretty broad spectrum of things…?

Here’s what I mean by this.

The four things below are the things you need to have completed before you can add a offer wall to your sales funnel.

  1. A sales funnel software: The most obvious thing you need when working with sales funnels is a platform to build them on. If you’re unsure on what to choose? Check out this guide…
  2. At least 2 products or services: Since the offer wall link different funnels together by recommending products, you need to have at least two active products. With only one product there isn’t really a need for the offer wall in the first place.
  3. A working sales funnels: But having the products isn’t enough, you also need to have working sales funnels for the products and services you’re offering.
  4. The order confirmation step: Lastly, you need to make sure that your funnels have the order confirmation step added. But, I bet you already have this since you’re reading this guide.

With these four in place, there is nothing stopping you from successfully adding the offer wall to your funnel.

The best part is that an offer wall can be added to any funnel in by following five easy steps. And it shouldn’t take you more than 30 minutes to complete.

Step #1: Copying the URL:s

Start by the URL:s from the funnels (products) you’d like to add to your offer wall.

This will lay the basis for the umbrella structure connecting your funnels together.

Then add these URL:s to a text document, so you have easy access to them later.

Here’s how:

Go to the funnel dashboard and click on the funnel you’d like to get the URL from.

Then, under ‘Step Configuration’ copy the path URL.

Systeme.io sales funnel URL

Step #2: Adding the offer wall to the sales funnel

With the URL:s copied and saved, now it’s time to add the offer wall to one of your sales funnels order confirmation page.

So, go ahead and open the editor for the confirmation step in your funnel, I’ll wait…


Side note: You could basically remove your current order confirmation page and replace it with a template that already has the offer wall in it.

But what fun would that be for a step-by-step guide…?

I’ll show you how to add all the elements yourself, to bring back the “fun” in “funnel building”.

From the start you confirmation page might look something like this:

Order confirmation page without the offer wall added

To create the offer wall, you need to add these three items in-between the order summary and the social section:

  1. A full width section (I used a blue background color on mine).
  2. One single column row.
  3. One three column row (the amount of rows depends on how many products you want to link to).

Now you should have something that looks like this:

initial sections and rows of a offer wall

Step #3: Designing the offer wall

Now, start by adding the offer wall headline to the single row column.

Then change the background color of the three row column to white so it stands out from the background.

I also added some rounded corners for that professional look.

Now it should look like this:

headline and background colors added to the offer wall

From there you need to add the actual offer wall elements to the three row column.

In each column you need to add (in this order):

With that done, your offer wall should look something like this.

the complete offer wall with products and CTA buttons

Step #4: Adding the links

With everything in place, the only thing left to do is to link the offer wall items to its corresponding sales funnel.

Now it’s time to have a look at that note of URL:s you made in step #1.

Open the settings for each button by clicking on the gear icon.

Then add these actions:

  1. Action when button clicked -> Open URL.
  2. URL -> Add the URL of the funnel that matches your product.
  3. Open in a new window -> Open in same window.
Button URL settings

When you’ve done this for all the buttons, click on the ‘Save Changes’ icon.

Step #5: Finalizing

With the headlines, images, descriptions, CTA:s, and links set, your offer wall is pretty much done.

All that’s left to do is to finalize the design by adjusting:

  • Fonts.
  • Sizes.
  • Colors.
  • Spacing.
  • etc…

And when you’re happy with the design, smash that ‘Save Changes’ button and do a preview.

It’s important that you do the preview and test the buttons to ensure that every link goes to the correct funnel.

If a link happens to send you to the wrong funnel, you need to look up the intended funnel URL again and update the CTA button with that address. See step #4.

Once everything checks out and works as it should, you’re done with the offer wall, and it’s now ready to accept traffic.

Step #6: Bonus trick

To make your life easier in the future, I’d like to share a simple hack you can use.

Because, I guess that you have many other funnels you’d like to add an offer wall to.

So, instead of having to go through this entire process every time you want to add a offer wall to your sales funnel.

Save the entire section as a template.

save the entire section as a template for future use
Use the save button in the top right corner of the section to save it as a template.

Now you only have to change headlines, image, text and URL:s of the offers you want to display on the wall.

The nice thing is that the design stays the same throughout your funnels, making everything congruent and familiar for the buyers.

Also, if you want to take your funnel hacking skills up to a 11.3, why not turn the entire order confirmation page into a template.

Now you’ll have an entire page you can add to any funnel you’d like in the future.

To learn more about how to do that, check out this guide.


There you have it, a step-by-step guide to adding an offer wall to a sales funnel.

Not only have you learned what an offer wall is, but now you also know why it’s an important part of sales funnel interlinking.

By adding this simple thing to every funnel in your arsenal, create an umbrella style network of related products and services.

And thanks to this you can expect an increase in revenue thanks to you being able to keep the buyers loop open, and identify more hyperactive buyers.

Now I want to hear from you.

Do you now feel confident enough that you can add an offer wall to your sales funnel?

Let me know by leave a comment below right now.


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