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ClickFunnels For Real Estate: The Ultimate Guide

How to use ClickFunnels for real estate

This is the most comprehensive guide on how to use ClickFunnels for real estate…ever. In this guide you’ll learn everything you need to know about real estate funnels and how to turn those leads into prospects for your real estate agency.

With completion getting harder, getting the most out of your marketing campaigns is one of the most important things to stay in business. In fact, almost 87% of real estate agents fail within the first 5 years, making mastering your traffic a priority.

The question is: how can you get more leads out of your marketing campaigns? Well, that’s where this ultimate guide comes into play.


Before we get into this post, I just wanted to take a moment and tell you something important…

I spent years trying to create an online business before I finally succeeded. It was
one disaster after another.

Finally, I struck gold in 2017, launching my first successful marketing campaign using sales funnels. Since then, I’ve managed to grow my business into something I could replace my 9-to-5 with.


By using the same sales funnel techniques I’ll share with you in this post. So if you want to grow your lead generation skills using funnels, keep reading and I’ll show you exactly how.

Why Use ClickFunnels For Real Estate

Before you do anything, you need to understand what ClickFunnels is and why you might want to use it in your real estate business.

It doesn’t matter if you are a:

  • Real estate agent
  • Real estate investor
  • Or a sales funnel builder for realtors

Once you understand the power behind ClickFunnels and how to use it to your advantage in your real estate business. You’ll be able to scale your marketing campaigns, convert more leads and in the end generate more sales.

Easy to use

ClickFunnels homepage overview

The easiest way to describe ClickFunnels is to say – It’s an A-Z sales funnel building platform.

Depending on the size of your business you have two plans to choose from.

  • The ‘Standard’ plan at $97/month
  • The ‘Platinum’ plan at $297/month

What level of ClickFunnels plan you choose will mostly depends on how many funnels and features you need for your real estate business.

If you’re a small team of just 2 people and don’t have the need for many funnels, the ‘Standard’ plan is a good choice. There you have a 20 funnel limit and you can have 1 sub-user.

However, if you’re a bigger team and want more sub-users and funnels, the ‘Platinum’ plan will give you unlimited funnels and up to 3 sub-users.

Another important thing when you want to transition your team into start building sales funnels, is that it’s easy to learn and use.

ClickFunnels couldn’t have made it easier to learn their platform. With the drag-and-drop editor, you can learn how to build funnels in under one hour.

Since the editor is “block” based, you don’t need to know any coding or be a tech savvy person to master it.

Keeping track of everything is also easy. Each funnel has a “stats” dashboard from where you can see things like site visits and conversion rates to help you keep track of your funnels performance.

Speaking or performance, one nice feature that is supported on all plans are A/B testing. With this you can essentially clone one funnel page and test it against the original.

It’s the perfect tool for real estate agents

Why would ClickFunnels be a great choice for real estate agents?

Well, I’m going to be honest here and say this…

I’m not a real estate agent or anything like that.

But, I’m a business owner and entrepreneur.

So, I do understand business, and most business have one thing in common…

They need leads to sell to.

Realtors are no different, I would even say that their bread and butter to get a listing sold is to get high quality leads who wants to buy from them.

And how do you get high quality leads?

You take them through a process that rules out everyone that isn’t genuinely interested in what you have to offer – or in short, you take them through a sales funnel.

What you are left with when potential leads goes through your funnel is a bunch of high quality leads that are exited to hear from you.

This is what makes ClickFunnels so great, it was literary built for this. It was build with the soul purpose of squeezing the most out of every lead that goes through your funnel.

And that you can learn how to build a funnels that does exactly this without having to hire expensive copywriters, web-designers or any of that stuff.

Build amazing real estate funnels with ClickFunnels

The beauty of working with a platform like ClickFunnels which is based around a drag-and-drop editor is that you can build beautiful sales funnels fast.

This leaves having to come up with ideas and designs from scratch a big headache.

I know from personal experience that coming up with the designs and layouts takes more time than actually building the funnel.

Luckily for you there is a solution for this to, it’s called templates.

ClickFunnels comes with an arsenal of pre-designed funnel pages, everything from opt-in and sales pages to membership and webinar pages.

But if you don’t want to manually pick the pages you need for your funnel, you can choose to use a premade funnels design instead.

So, if you want to build a funnel to generate leads, simply go to the funnel builder, select “Generate Leads” and then the funnel type you want to use.

Select funnel type in ClickFunnels

From there you can choose between 8 different complete funnels for that funnel type.

Complete sales funnel templates

And with one click, you’ll have all the pages you need for that funnel, designed and ready to accept your sales message.

Optimized for lead generation

As I mentioned not to long ago, the success of a realtor is in direct proportion to how many qualified leads he/she can generate.

Working with a platform which is based around making lead generation easier is crutial.

The last thing you need is something that is hard to work with, because I have a feeling that you have more important things to do than to struggle.

ClickFunnels is based around lead generation using sales funnels, which is great for real estate agents.

But what does this even mean for you?

This means that they’ve gone a great distances to optimize their whole platform for this purpose.

If we look closer at ClickFunnels we can easily see that they’ve added a whole arrange of features just for lead nurturing.

To start, they have the built in follow-up function (only on ‘Platinum’ plans) which is ClickFunnels own email autoresponder.

This allows you to create follow-up sequences directly in your funnel, add leads to lists and use tags to segment them.

Next, you also have a massive option of integrations.

You can pretty much integrate ClickFunnels with every popular autoresponder out there. This makes it easy for you to keep on using your favorite one in the future.

However, if you can’t find your favorite autoresponder in the list of supported integrations you can always use Zapier. This gives you endless integrations.

Websites are dying

Both you and I know that websites has been around for almost as long as the internet itself.

But websites are dying.

What I mean is that websites are kind of inefficient, they are not built for lead generation.

Think about this for a minute…

Have a look at this typical real estate website.

traditional real estate website
Image credits

It looks pretty good, right?

However, we can’t survive on looks alone, it must also be efficient.

The problem with the good old website is that it doesn’t grab the visitor by the hand and guides them through it.

The visitor is allowed to wonder around on their own…browsing your site.

Sure they allow the visitor to interact with your brand, they even get the freedom to take action…

But the visitor is not intentionally guided from point A to point B. You kind of have to hope that they end up where you want on their own.

This unguided approach usually leaves potential customers confused on what action they should or shouldn’t take.

Leading to a even worse situation…they leave your site without taking any action at all.

And that isn’t good for business.

Fortunately there is a solution for this, introducing: Sales funnels.

Sales funnels are here to stay

What you need is something that grabs a visitors hand and guides them to the next logical step after landing on your page.

You need a series of pages structured in such a way that it guides your leads towards the exact action you want them to take – giving you their contact information.

This is done with a sales funnel, which operates around these four steps.

  1. Attention -> Lead capture -> New leads
  2. Interest -> Sales process -> Prospects
  3. Desire -> Order/Upsell -> Customers
  4. Action -> Ascend -> Clients
The 4 stages of a sales funnel

In essence, a sales funnel is the unofficial tour guide of your site. Using pages that step by step, guides each visitor from point A to point B.

Look at it this way, a website is like a business card, you hand it out and hope that people take action.

A sales funnel on the other hand is like having your best salesperson accompany each visitor as they make a decision.

As I mentioned before, sales funnels applies to real estate in the form of generating high-quality leads. Since you already know how to sell your service, all you need is “HOT” leads that wants to buy from you.

Now that you know the basics, it’s time to move on to the next step: What is a real estate funnel?

What Is A Real Estate Funnel?

The anatomy of a real estate funnel is pretty simple. Most of the time it only consists of 2 pages.

ClickFunnels real estate funnel steps

And since the end goal is high-quality leads, it does not have to be more complicated than that.

How does it work?

The real estate funnel is just a simple as it looks. You don’t need much to make it work.

With a quick look you can see that you need:

  1. Opt-In page, where a visitor can put in their information
  2. “Thank You” page, where the visitor land after they hit the submit button.

Usually you’ll need some kind of tangible thing you can give away for free/cheap in exchange for someone’s contact information.

And when a new lead lands on your “Thank You” page, you’ll deliver on the promise you just made, whether it was a free guide or a call.

Also, always remember to give away something of actual value, giving away something useless will make you look bad.

Fill your email list with “HOT” leads

First things first, a “HOT” lead is someone that is really interested in what you do and is highly likely to make a purchase from you.

But how does one fill a list with “HOT” leads?

This is the great part about using sales funnels, you can pretty much rule out the low-quality leads right away.


When you try to capture someone’s attention, you do this by targeting the right audience (more on that later), and then offering them something of value in exchange for their contact information aka. a lead magnet.

You could be offering things like:

  • Determine the value of my property
  • Access our house listings now
  • Guide to moving during a job change
  • Checklist for selling your home
  • Guide to buying your first house/apartment
  • Thinking of moving? Here’s our free [city-name] guide
  • Guide to selling a home on a tight budget

This automatically rules out everyone that isn’t interested in working with you.

A example would be if your niche was selling beach houses…

You could be giving away a guide on “The top 10 things to look out for when buying a house on a beach” for free.

Now we know that everyone who gives you their contact information is looking to buy a house on a beach…

And when your guide gives tons of value, chances are that they’ll be more likely to buy from you in the future.

The benefit of this is that you have direct access to the people on your list, and you know that they are interested in beach houses. Making it the go-to place when you get a new beach house listing.

And you can do this with as many lists as you want, one list for houses, one for mansions, one for apartments, etc.

Ways real estate agents can use ClickFunnels

With technology taking over the majority of our lives, everything seems to be happening on the internet these days.

Cold calling is soon a thing of the past.

With that many people turning to the internet instead of physical stores, it would be foolish to not tap into this traffic source.

Just look at these statistics…

Nearly 98% of buyers age 29-38 rely on the internet to find properties.

I mean there are a lot of people in that age group alone.

You need the best possible way to catch as many of those leads as possible, and doing so by using a sales funnel is a no-brainer to me.

With a good funnel in place you can not only get their name and email, but you can also catch their phone numbers and location.

This can be very useful things to have access to when your next listing comes through the doors.

Knowing where someone lives and have a way of contacting them, you can literally segment your lists depending on where your current listings are located…but more on that later.

Best high converting funnels for real estate agents

As easy as it is to use ClickFunnels for your real estate business, there are some funnel types that are better suited for the need of a realtor than others.

Right away I think we can rule out funnels for webinars, memberships and store fronts.

But that’s just me, feel free to be creative.

So what are the best high converting funnels a real estate agency can use:

Squeeze funnel

Squeeze funnel steps

The main goal of a squeeze funnel is to get someone to give you their email address. These funnels are super simple and have almost no other distractions on it.

Often there is not even a logo and the footer is minimalistic.

Note: Think about this when you are using it with PPC advertising. Most of the time you need to have a logo at the top and a privacy and disclaimer in the footer to stay compliant with the terms (Google demands this).

To get the most conversion out of your squeeze funnel, use a curiosity based headline. Then when someone puts in their email address and click “submit” they’ll be taken to the “Thank You” page where you answer the question.

Squeeze pages are good to use if you are going after a new “colder” audience, and use curiosity to spike their interest and get the opt-in.

On the next page aka. the “Thank You” page you answer the question to the curiosity based headline. This is also where you can give away your lead magnet or book someone for a call.

Remember that videos tend to do better on “Thank You” pages, since people get to put a face on who you are and what your brand is all about.

Reverse squeeze funnel

reverse squeeze funnel steps

The reverse squeeze page is pretty much the opposite of the above.

This time you give before you take, sort of speak.

First you give away some of your best advice and information before you ask them to opt-in. Then, after the video is over you ask the visitor to “opt-in for more“.

This method is used when you need to drop the visitors guard quickly, since you’ve already put some time into the ‘relationship’ with them.

A reverse squeeze page tends to have lower conversion rates than a regular squeeze page, but the quality of the lead will be higher.

The “Thank You” page in this case is used to deliver further information and also a share with friends opportunity.

Lead magnet funnel

lead magnet funnel steps

The lead magnet funnel is the simplest form of opt-in funnels.

This time you are giving away something in exchange for their information. And once you get the information you hold your end of the deal and give them what you promised.

Remember earlier when I spoke about this…

You could give away a guide, free call, property valuation, etc. and in return you get a lead you are allowed to contact in the future.

And I think it’s worth mentioning again, only give away something of real value to people. Giving away junk will only hurt your brand in the long run.

Bad reputation spreads like wildfire.

And if you want to get creative, here are some of my ideas on how to use ClickFunnels for a real estate agency.

Homepage funnel

Homepage funnel steps

A home page funnel lets a real estate agencies have the elements of a traditional “homepage” website, but with a twist. It’s now actually a lead funnel.

The first page tells the story of your business, testimonials, builds trust and invites the visitor to opt-in in exchange for that guide or call.

You can also display recent listing and also upcoming listings if you feel like it.

A homepage funnel is good at highlighting the business and it’s origin, with the option to display products.

Quiz (survey) funnel

Survey funnel steps

This must be one of my favorites for this particular niche. With a quiz funnel you get a lot of opportunities to be creative.

Now you can build up a structure of questions that segments visitors into the appropriate list depending on the outcome.

The ways you can do this in is endless, for instance you could have a quiz funnel that sorts on:

  • Urgency
  • And type of property.

Resulting in all the people in a hurry of getting a house will be put on a “urgency” list. This list then has an automation that sends an email to your staff to call that lead for further details.

And another quiz funnel that sorts on:

  • Location
  • Budget
  • And only apartments

Leading to everyone that are interested in apartments in Los Angeles for under $50,000, gets put on a holding list until a listing comes in that meets those requirements.

See, the ways you can do this in are endless. Only your imagination is the limit.

Application funnel

application funnel steps

The application funnel can also be used for realtors, but this is leaning towards the more exclusive side of things.

What I mean by this is that you can literary have people apply to get your help selling or buying their dream home.

The one thing I understand about the real estate market is that properties can be expensive, and that there are realtors that only work with those kind of listings.

Now you can have people fill out a form and ask if you can help them buy their next $100,000,000 mansion or something like that.

Then you can have requirements which needs to met before they can apply for a consultation or call.

This way you can sort out everyone that isn’t a perfect match for you, leading to a small list of people that fits you like a glove and are 100% stoked on working with you.

With that covered, it’s time to move on to the next step: ClickFunnels real estate templates.

ClickFunnels Real Estate Templates

ClickFunnels in-house funnel building and design team has not been wasting time on excessive coffee breaks. They’ve been busy creating 100+ done-for-you funnel templates for you to take part of.

get 100+ templates from ClickFunnels

This makes building your funnel so much easier, since most of the ‘heavy lifting’ has already been done for you. So make sure to make good use of this massive advantage.

The real bonus here is that you get access to this library in every plan, making it easy for you to build funnels no matter your budget.

Considering that a funnel can cost over $1,000 to have build by someone and take weeks to have done, it’s really nice that they’ve included this in all plans.

Giving you full control over you business and your money.

And as you probably can understand, building a high converting real estate funnel inside ClickFunnels isn’t hard when you got access to over 100 templates.

You’ll see first hand just how easy it actually is if you follow the guide below.

Sure there are things I didn’t cover like integrations, tracking codes, favicons, etc. simply because I want you too keep on reading not get information overload 😉

Brick And Mortar Summit

If you’re still struggling with getting new clients and customers into your real estate business, then this is an ideal solution for you.

Watch the “Brick And Mortar” summit, which is a 3-day long interview serie hosted by ClickFunnels aimed to help physical businesses like real estate agencies.

Brick and mortar summit by ClickFunnels

This is a FREE 3-day long interview serie, where 14 brick and mortar 2CC winners shares their secrets on how to generate 100 new customers in 100 days or less with only an internet connection and a ClickFunnels Account.

If you find yourself stuck and don’t know how to take your brick and mortar business to the next level, this is your chance to get some extra inspiration…

But it gets better…

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel or anything, all the heavy lifting has been done for you. So, all you have to do is watch, listen, and MODEL it for your business.

So if a template isn’t enough for you, take the opportunity to get your hands on 14 day-by-day strategies and learn how to attract more of your ideal customers and clients in record time.

With that covered, it’s time to get to the fun part: Build you ClickFunnels real estate funnel in 4 steps.

Build Your ClickFunnels Real Estate Funnel In 4 Steps

We’ve arrived at the point where it’s time to build your funnel. For the sake of keeping things simple and on point, I’ll show you the process of setting up a squeeze page funnel.

It’s very simple as you know and only consists of 2 pages, a opt-in page and a “Thank You” page.

I know this might sound counterintuitive, but I like to pick my pages individually for more freedom. But if you don’t like to do that feel free to use the done-for-you funnels instead. The way you build the funnels are still the same.

Note: I assume that you know who your dream customer is, otherwise the first step is to figure that out before building your funnel.

Step #1: Decide on a lead magnet

The first thing you need to do is to decide on what kind of lead magnet you want to use. Refer back to the list earlier for ideas if you can’t come up with anything on the spot.

I think I’m going to use a guide on “how to sell your house on a tight budget”.

Knowing what kind of lead magnet you are going to use makes it easier to plan ahead on what copy you need to add to your pages.

Since we are focusing on a squeeze funnel, the amount of copy you need is limited, which makes things easier if you are new to copywriting.

Step #2: Create the funnel

Building a real estate funnel in ClickFunnels is very simple, and with just a few clicks you’ll have the core of the funnel ready.

The first thing you do is to click on “+ Build a Funnel” on the ClickFunnels dashboard.

Then wait for the popup to appear and select Collect Emails and click on “+ Choose”.

First step of building your ClickFunnels real estate funnel

Now, give your funnel a name and click “Build Funnel”.

Give your ClickFunnels real estate funnel a name and build it

Step #3: Add the pages

Now you’ll be taken to the funnel builder. Here you can see that the two steps we need have been added automatically.

The funnel pages have been added to your ClickFunnels real estate funnel

From here you now need to select a template for the “Opt-In” page and another template for the “Thank You” page.

select a template for your real estate funnel

The only limitation here is your imagination. Choose a template that you feel are closest to what you need.

It doesn’t have to be perfect right away since the drag-and-drop editor allows you to customize everything to your liking.

Step #4: Editing the pages

The final step to finish your funnel is to edit it and add your branding and copy.

This easily done by entering the editor, and from there you can add images, headlines, sections, videos, timers, buttons, and more.

ClickFunnels editor

One thing I would add if I were a realtor would be a input field for phone number and one for location (city). So the finished sign up form would look something like this…

  • Full Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • City
  • “Submit” button at the bottom

Adding this will allow you to do advanced segmenting later down the track (more on that later).

ClickFunnels real estate funnel optin page

The “Thank You” page doesn’t’ have to be super complicated.

If you have a link to your lead magnet you can simply add a button and add the lead magnet download URL to it.

But it can be even simpler. Just say thank you and tell them you’ve sent the guide to the email address they provided.

A bonus with the last strategy is that you can rule out people who gave you a fake email address.

ClickFunnels real estate funnel thank you page page

Before leaving the editor make sure that you’ve gone over all the setting in the “Setting” tab.

Here’s a little list of things to check.

  • Integration
  • SEO Meta Data
  • Tracking Code
  • Facebook Pixel
  • General tab (here you can add a small digital asset).

Do you want this template to play around with yourself? If you do, click here.

Now that you have built your funnel, it’s time to move on to the next step: Get traffic to your real estate funnel.

Get Traffic To Your Real Estate Funnel

Once you’ve signed up to ClickFunnels and have your real estate funnel ready to go, it’s time to focus on what’s really important.

Getting traffic to your funnel.

With nearly 85% of realtors using social media for advertising, it’s clear that it would be a good idea to start the hunt for leads there.

Using social media – FREE traffic

Not everything has to cost money and if you are a somewhat established realtor business, chances are that you are already using some of these platforms for marketing.

If not, now is a great time to start doing so.

Traffic flow is high and everyone is welcome to use a social media platform…as long as you stick to the rules.

Facebook profile

The first way to get free traffic to your new funnel is to link it to your Facebook profile.

Setting up a Facebook profile for professional use it not that hard.

What you need on your business profile is:

  • Professional picture
  • Banner that relates to your field of work with CTA
  • And you need a intro that clearly states what you do and include a link to your service (the real estate funnel)

And when you add a new listing to the wall, make sure to add a “For more information click here” call-to-action with a link to your funnel.

Do anything you can to spike the visitors curiosity

The idea hear is that this will work as a organic promotion. Getting FREE leads into your funnel.

Another way of getting free traffic from Facebook is to do lives. With lives you can provide tons of value by showing what you property looks like in real time.

An added benefit of this is that you can get very personal with the buyers on their profil, have a real-time conversations, answer questions and encourage a sale that way.

Instagram profile

The second one which I think we are all familiar with is to setup a Instagram business account and use a link in the bio #linkinbio.

Adding a link to your funnel in your Instagram bio is a great way to tap into the flow of leads that are already visiting your Instagram page.

And every time you post a new listing on your wall, make sure to have images that spikes interest at a slight glance. Since Instagram is a game of grabbing attention fast, this is crucial in your quest for gaining leads.

Also, remember to add a line saying something like “More info? Check the link in bio” at the end of every picture you upload.

Local SEO

Since you are a realtor or are aspiring to become one, you’ve probably already heard about the local SEO tactics.

The principle is a simple as it’s genius. Giving you a shortcut into tons of traffic that are in the market for buying properties.

So how does local SEO work?

It works by optimizing your website with the goal of increasing traffic and brand awareness from a local search.

Common practices when working with local SEO is to find local keywords, optimize your Google My Business profile, etc.

An example of keywords to target if you are a real estate business in Miami is:

  • Apartments in Miami
  • House for sale in Miami
  • Land for sale Miami
  • House for sale near me (more advanced geo-targeting)

Using paid traffic

If you don’t want to wait for the free traffic sources to get up to speed, you can always take the quick route using paid ads. This will take you to the top of the search results, but it will also cost you money.

And since it’s a money game, make sure to not overspend on underperforming ads.

Start small and expand is a good rule to follow.

One of the largest ad platforms on the planet and a grate option for driving traffic to your funnel. With Google Ads you can choose from a variety of ad types like:

  • Video
  • Search
  • Display
  • Sopping
  • Apps
  • etc.

You got a lot of options and you’ll simply have to figure out on your own which platform your taget customer uses and which one you are comfortable working on.

For instance you can do YouTube ads targeting people searching for videos related to houses, apartments, or properties in general.

Or you can do a search campaign, targeting the keywords your ideal customer uses.

On Google Ads you can easily do geo-targeting and it’s one of its true strengths.

With advance geo, demographic and audience targeting you can get really picky with who you want to taget and really hone in on your ideal customer.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads is pretty much the same as Google Ads, but now you will taget people using social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram.

Here you can advertise on:

  • Desktop newsfeed
  • Mobile newsfeed
  • Desktop right sidebar
  • Stories
  • Messenger
  • Marketplace

In general I would say that Facebook is a simpler ad platform to learn compared to Google. So if you are brand new to advertising this might be a better option.

A powerful thing realtors can use on Facebook to show off their properties, is the carousel ad.

This will give you the option to use 360 videos and photos, allowing the viewer to explore the property virtually.

When properly set up, it will create an increased desire to find out more and even purchase the property.

That’s just one of the creative ways to use technology to help you boost sales and lead conversions using Facebook Ads

Other platforms

Feeling like Google and Facebook can’t provide you with enough traffic?

There are several other ad platforms to explore out there.

The concept is pretty much the same for them all. You put money in and get traffic to your funnel in return.

To be honest paid ads will always have the upper edge when it comes to getting traffic fast, but you’ll have to closely monitor your campaigns to ensure that you aren’t loosing money.

Some other platforms are:

  • Bing Ads
  • Microsoft Ads
  • Pintrest Ads
  • Twitter Ads
  • and the list goes on….

Now that you the basics around traffic, it’s time to move on to the another important thing: Integration and follow up.

ClickFunnels For Real Estate: Integration And Follow Up

Alright, you have the funnel up and running, the traffic is flowing, and the opt-ins are increasing.

But what to do after that?

Well, the best advice I can give you is to integrate and automate.

Integrate your favorite email autoresponder and build an automation that relives you and your team of some of the workload.

Here you have two options…

One way is to get a ClickFunnels ‘Platinum’ plan for your real estate business and use the built in “Follow-up Funnel” function to stay in touch with your leads.

Another way is to integrate a 3rd-party email autoresponder and do all of the work in there instead (I can highly recommend ActiveCampaign if you want to build email automations with ease).

ClickFunnels can integrate with over 10 of the most popular autoresponders by default.

However, If you still feel like something you want is missing, you can use Zapier and get unlimited possibilities.

Automate your workflow

The benefit of automating the workflow is to relive the workload, leaving you with more time closing listings then dealing with the admirative chores.

One way of doing this is to have a small automation in place to take care of every new lead coming through your funnel.

The first thing it will do is to add the lead to the appropriate list with a correct tags.

Then it will automatically send out a welcome email and the lead magnet.

Another thing you can do is to have it send out a notification to your team, informing them about the new lead.

Let’s say you have a quiz funnel that segments based on urgency, and a lead comes in with the tag “urgent”.

The tag “urgent” will then trigger a short automation which sends an email to selected people on your team, from there someone can then follow up with that lead over the phone.

As you can see, there is a lot of potential for automation in a business. The reward of all this automation is that you know every new lead will be treated in the correct way, and no one will fall between the cracks.

Segment your leads

Okay, so you have you lists and automations in place, now it’s time to use this to its maximum.

As you saw in the guide earlier, I told you to add a location (city) input field to the opt-in form of your funnel

Now this will come in handy.

Let’s say you get in a new listing for an apartment in downtown Los Angeles.

With some quick “math” we can determine a few things from your lists.

The first thing you will do is to sort your list based on those who have “Los Angeles” as their location.

Then, look at the tags and see which leads has tags that is related to apartments.

What you should be left with now is a smaller list of people on your list who fits those criteria.

From there you can use the contact information you’ve been given to call or email them about your new listing.

This will give you a massive head start in trying to sell your listing…fast.

And, since you did such a good job with the funnel and gave them a kick-ass lead magnet in return for their information…

They’ll be exited to hear from you and actually wants to hear what you have to offer.

*Cough…The power of lists and segmentations…Cough…*


In this guide, we looked at everything there is to know about how to use ClickFunnels for real estate agents. From choosing the right funnel type, to building it, to getting traffic to it and more.

And if you want to get a 30-day free trial of ClickFunnels, you can get it here.

Now it’s your turn:

Are you going to start using ClickFunnels with your real estate agency?

Leave a comment below to let me know.


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