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8 Best Mindsets For Success

8 best mindsets for success

How do you develop the right mindsets for success? This is a common question I hear all the time. How does successful people think compared to the average person. So many of us out there are struggling to nail the right mindsets for a successful life. Most of the time we end up questioning ourselves and talk ourselves down thinking that we can’t get it. That the successful crowd is blessed with some magic beverage that made them this way. Some of them are of course more “blessed” then others, with successful parents leading the way from an early age. The rest however, has taught themselves how to think in order to get where they want.

If you still believe that it will take witch craft to achieve this, then you are in for a long wait. The way to think in order to be successful can be developed at any point in life. It might be a bit harder the older you get. Think of it as a program full of code, in the beginning it’s easy to make changes since there is almost no code. The more code we put in our program the harder we have to work to change it, since there is a lot more to change. Patterns are built and can be hard to change. Keep in mind that all the mindsets you have might not even be your own. Some mindsets will come from parents, school, work and society.   

The best you can do is to identify the mindsets you have right now and see if they match the list below. If they don’t, it’s time to change. Start implementing them so you have the best mindsets for success at your disposal at any time.

Without further do, lets jump right into the 8 best mindsets for success.

#8 – Authenticity

“If you love what you do and you’re passionate and authentic with it, then you will absolutely reach success” – Sahsa Daygame

It all boils down to what it is you love. When you are living and speaking your truth, then you are authentic. You need to be honest with yourself and the world to why you are doing what you are doing. Both men and women love to be around authentic people and for good reason. They are inspiring and fun to be around.

Sadly the world is full of inauthentic people that act like big shots, showing off and are attention seekers. The reason that so many end up here is because they are terrified of rejection.  They are afraid to get their feelings hurt. Or you could say that their egos are too fragile.

If you don’t believe in yourself – why should anyone else?

Do what you need to achieve this, but never do this one thing. You should NEVER pretend to be someone else. There is a difference between improving and pretending. You should always be you and keep improving.

It has taken me a very long time to get where I am today. I have been at the bottom and now I’m shooting for the top and beyond. Today I’m fine with rejection, I know what is true to me and whom ever talks shit about it can well – fuck off. Now days I can deal with rejection like a boss, sure it stings a bit but it goes away quickly. The deal is that I know what’s my truth and if someone rejects me for it, then so be it. Why on earth should I invest my time and energy in them if they are not interested in me.

Do all you can to be as authentic as you possibly can be in every part of your life. 

presence is one of the best mindsets for success

#7 – Presence

This is a good one. I think that if you should implement any of the mindsets for success right now. This is the best to start with.

In our modern society we are bombarded with technology and technology is one of the biggest presence thieves today. We have the internet, phones, apps, social media and many more things that makes it so hard for us to be in the moment. There is always something going on: texting, scrolling, playing and sharing. It just never ends. Have this ever happen to you? You are trying to have a conversation and the person in front of you checks their phone every 1.32 minute. It’s super irritating, almost to the point where you want to take the phone and throw it away. Nobody knows how to be in the moment these days.

Being present is one of the most attractive things you can be. When you talk to someone, your conversation will have a natural flow because you are here and now. You are not worrying about what the other person is thinking or are planning 10 sentences ahead. You are just listening and responding. Have you ever noticed when talking to someone, that they are not really listening to you. That is because we can feel when someone isn’t present with us. Women are especially good at this.

You need to have your shit together. A real man or woman is not constantly worried about everything, they are to busy having a good time. 

What to do?

This can be hard to achieve, but finding an activity can help: like meditation, lifting weights or dirt-bike racing. How do you know that you are present? Ever noticed that sometimes when you are doing a every day task, like folding laundry. The mind just quiets down and you enter some zen state. That’s it right there, you are in the moment. You are not thinking about the future nor the past. That is meditation at its peak.  

This is the state you want to be in as much as possible, especially when talking to people. This is so important I can’t stress it enough. When you are not wasting energy on worrying about random shit you can use that energy when you really need it. Like on your latest business idea or having a good time.

#6 – Curiosity

The 6th of the mindsets for success is curiosity. If you are not curious, how are you supposed to get to know anything?

When you are building a lifestyle you need to be curious to learn about new things. A lot of times when you are doing a search for something lets say how to design a website you end up looking at good ways to protect a site from hacking. 

That right there is curiosity, you was looking for way to design a site but you was so curious about everything around the site you read up on that too.

This is a good skill to have when it comes to dealing with people as well. Everybody loves to talk about themselves. Everybody just loves when someone is interested in them. When you show that you are interested in really getting to know someone, they can feel it and the conversation will go a lot smoother.

be willing to invest in yourself

#5 – Willing To Invest

Nothing in this world is for free anymore unfortunately. It will cost you money to build a lifestyle.

You need to know that if you are willing to invest in yourself, your business and your future, the rest will go with ease. Maybe a modified truth there but you get the point, it will be easier.

The best investment you can ever make is in yourself. This is because if you take a course of some sort, you only have to take it once. Then you have acquired a new skill that will last for life. So you pay once for a lifetime of use, that’s a pretty sweet deal. Of course you might need to update or add on some things to that course over time, but it’s still there for life. 

Not everything is paid with money either, sometimes time is used. If you want to lean something new like playing guitar, you need to invest time to learn how to play you favorite Guns N’ Roses song. Be careful with what you invest you time on, since time comes with no refund.

Only invest in things that you really think are worth it. You should probably not invest 2 weeks of time on a Youtube origami course when you are building a business around how to make your dog look like Beyoncé. Unless you are really curious about origami.

it takes a lot of courage to do something crazy

#4 – Courage

It takes a lot of courage to be courageous. Make scenes doesn’t it. When you are starting a business or changing your lifestyle it takes a lot of courage. You will be standing there on the edge of the cliff wondering if you have the balls to jump

There is no perfect timing, only now or too late. Most of us get stuck in the “I need to find the perfect time to launch my business” thinking. The truth is that for many of us its a way to keep ourselves safe. 93.2% of the time it comes down to lack of courage. I totally understand, it is scary to stand there on your own trying something new. 

Having courage also mean that you are ready to do what it takes to reach your goal. You know that you might lose friends, money or significant other in following you dream. That is a lot of things to be scared of and it can take time to work up the courage to be fine with letting all of that to.

It might sound harsh but that’s the reality, you need to be brave and do whats right for you. If that means loosing all your friends then so be it. If they leave you when you decide to change your life for the better then they were not very good friends to begin with. 

You can always make new friends, get more money or a new boyfriend. The question you need to ask is: Can I live with giving up my dream for my  girlfriend without regretting it when I’m old?

#3 – Open Minded

Having an open mind is one of the best mindsets for success. What in the hell does that mean? I can assure you that it doesn’t mean that you should cut a big hole in your head. Good now when that’s sorted lets get to the facts.

When you are working on you lifestyle or business you need to keep your mind open for new things. You need to be able to see things from different perspectives. Maybe even completely change the way you think about a problem. 

If you put up a fence around your mind then you are set to fail. You need to allow yourself to think differently or listen to what another person has to say.  Opening you mind for new exiting ideas that can make your life better is never a bad idea. Even if it did not result in any award winning result. 

Be brave and open your mind for new exiting ideas and persons. It won’t kill you.

#2 – Patience

2nd place on the top 8 best mindsets for success is patience. When you are building a business or lifestyle from scratch, things take time. I know a lot of you who are reading this wants things to happen over night. Lets just face the fact that 99% of the people who are doing this is not an overnight success.

You need to keep your ice cream cool and be patient. Good things will happen, they just need a bit of time.

One of the danger of loosing your patience is that you start to waste you money on quick solutions. You fall for the “Buy this now and get results yesterday” scam. This can be products that promise a lot and gives you nothing in the end other then a thinner wallet. Do I need to remind you that these kind of deals rarely comes alone. Usually there is a “Hey – you need to by this as well for the first one to work” deal hiding in the background, full of even more empty promises.

You will feel when you hit one of these impatient moments. You will start to look up these kind of quick fix solutions.  Don’t fall for it, be patient.

One of the mindsets for success is focus

#1 – Focus

Last but certainly not least on the list of 8 best mindsets for success we have focus. When you are starting a business or changing your lifestyle you need to be focused. I mean really focus on the goal.

When you are in this field you will hit both highs and lows. when you are on the highs life is good, everything goes just as planned and you can feel how you are running towards the goal. 

However, when you hit the lows, this is were things get hard, you feel like you want to quit, go back to the old you and just pull a blanket over your head. Now you need to focus really hard on the goal, you need to picture it, smell it and even taste it. That is how much you need to focus to keep yourself going.

This could last for a few hours up to days and weeks, so you need to be able to hold that focus for a long period of time.

One of the things that you can’t allow yourself to do is to settle for less then what you initially wanted. Like a “I settle for ____insert excuse here____ and I’ll be happy”. Never do this to yourself. What you are doing is telling yourself that it is okay to never reach your goals. we don’t want that do we?

Final Words

There you have it, the 8 best mindsets for success. This list can seem to be overwhelming in the beginning. It’s okay if you feel like you can’t achieve all of them by tomorrow afternoon. You are not supposed to either. Changing your mindsets is a process that takes time and it should take time. Baby steps is still a step even if it’s a small one. As long as you are improving from the person you were yesterday, then you are making progress. That’s what we want.


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